Saturday, August 25, 2012

Creative Desktop Wireless 8000

Works on 27MHz and consumes only enough power 3V or 2 AA batteries in each mouse and the keyboard makes the device Desktop Wireless 8000 is more practical. Where AA batteries and is easier to find a price cheaper than AAA batteries.

While resistance to wireless devices are on average takes approximately 2 months for normal daily use. And time period as above the average age of the battery. Quick lunch complete button and 10 button costumize is certainly enough to spoil you quickly access the applications you want. Among the 20 quick lunch button is available, there is a wheel task switch and two buttons for word processing and spreadsheets.

Not to mention a complete Multimedia button to make this keyboard as a remote control when you want to play a movie or just enjoy the music of her facility multimedia center. Manufacturers also provide palm rest to give the holder at hand when working with this keyboard. Plus black and silver color combination with stylish design the overall look of this Desktop Wireless 8000.

In addition the surface easy to clean and not easy to look dirty. Keyboard and mouse are still able to function normally within 1.8 meters of the receiver. over a distance that is not guaranteed although still able to function up to 2.1 m.

Unfortunately, the keys on the keyboard a bit hard with a hefty weight to carry. While the mouse pointer disease commonly found in the form of loss of control wireless mouse pointer, sekalikali still occur in this product.

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BenQ X-Touch AM805

A pretty good value acquired by BMW BenQ X730 series is the completeness and handling. Because these products are complemented by 24 plus whell quick launch button which can be used to scroll up or down the page in a browser or spreadsheet.

Keys on the keyboard is also quite light and comfortable use. The design is thin and the use of silver and black color adds to its appearance looks stylish. Plus docking position controller that serves simultaneously as a palm rest with keyboard at work is enough to add value handling.

A unique, the keyboard layout is a panel that serves to raise or penurunkan volume for multimedia needs. Unlike other panel volume on the keyboard, the keyboard panel is shaped tuning is easy to use by turning it clockwise. In addition, the function button located on the keyboard also has the same function as the BenQ X-Touch 805 brother.

Unfortunately, additional docking on the keyboard so it makes its weight increases and the possibility of left and right side of the keyboard becomes damaged more quickly. While power consumption is required just like any other, requiring only 4 pieces of batteries for the keyboard and mouse or 3V each.

Control the mouse pointer is still not good, because BenQ has not succeeded in eliminating the effects seem to loose control on the mouse pointer is. But even so the included mouse is pretty good. Besides the designs that follow the contours of your hand, this mouse also comes with 5 buttons and whell that is not so prominent. The form also seem futuristic and stylish....

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Why You need for Adware and Spyware Blocker?

Often the case of new Internet users, their sense of fear when you're using the internet to transact online. Worry that online thieves watching from the outside. The above situation is not an isolated case. There are many people who find themselves trapped in a mind boggling technological problems but actually can be answered with two words and two words are spyware and adware. Well-known term of spyware was first coined in 1995 but was popularized in 2000. Spyware is computer software innocently infiltrated in a personal computer to be able to access the personal information of users.

As you often see in action movies like James Bond action of burglary and destruction of enemy targets through covert. Or monitor the activities of his victims through online activities. Spyware can understandably be used to spy on criminals because such use is beneficial to society but how about the use of spyware to intercept credit card details and the like. There is no sufficient reason for the lax of the use of spyware.

What ordinary people do to protect yourself is to use special software programs that block spyware indications other software similar to it like adware and malware. It can easily be done by availing adware and spyware blocker programs online. The role of these blocking programs include to remove or disable existing spyware programs or to avoid the installation of software programs is dangerous.

What is the difference of spyware and viruses?

Spyware, adware, malware are not like virus or worms that self replicate the same level of complexity can also interfere with their normal personal computer activities. One of the more popular hassles cause by software programs spread is slow computer. In some infections, spyware is not even clear as the bad guy so they can get away with crimes. It is best then to have a ready blocker to at least do something to prevent any infection occurs in the first place.

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Argox AS-8000 is Retil Aplication

The AS-8000 series is a low-cost, mid range, imager That is a specially designd for retail applications. The AS-8000 series contact froms reads up to 125 mm in range. its stylish and compact form-factor comes in black or gray and matches a veriety of retail systems.

Make AS-8000 plug & play easy installation
The AS-8000 series read all commonly used barcode symbologies. the saving-imager is a mid range price / performance leader.

AS-8000 series is a good quality, but the price of low-cost, mid range, the imager is designed specifically for retail and warehouse applications.

AS-8000 series of bar code reading code up to 125 mm in range. stylish and compact form factor, lots of color options that can be selected, Argox AS-8000 comes in black or gray, and match the variety of retail systems.
Even more interesting is the best scanner and ok quality, low price can simply plug & play make installation easier Argox use of scanners.

The Series Argox AS-8000 reads all common barcode symbologies used for retail shops and warehouses. Imager-efficient mid-range is the leader in price and performance.

Light source 660nm power Visiblr Red LED, is the technology CCD (Charge-Coupled Device). Print contrast could be read Argox AS-8000. Dimensional scanner Argox AS-8000 176x40 mm weight 90 grams. Cable length 2 meters. Voltage 5VDC consumption 250mA maximum current consumption.

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Alternative choice in memory of photo frame photo.

Photography very rapid technological developments. Antiquity of a store and display images takes time and the place is not small. The final result was very less time. But the days of old. That is extraordinary and amazing can "paint" as fast as us.

Although digital technology allows people to display and store their images using various media are known to survive for centuries, although a variety of technologies of various types and technologies. There are still people who still use it as the equipment they use for years. Something to be said for having an actual photograph in your hands.

Displaying digital images using various types of high-tech equipment can be a bit expensive. Because of this, many people still prefer to display digital images using a conventional picture frame. Sometimes the frame is essential and preferably all publics. For this reason, many people like buying printers for digital photography.

Because the demand for digital photography printers, many companies are scrambling to build products. Many large manufacturers in the big world like Canon, Epson, HP and other printer engine. Each company produces various types of digital photography printer and then go all out in proclaiming to be the best. Very tough competition among manufacturers. Tariff war once the computer is very diverse.

Is not that just frustrating? Imagine for a moment, that you are someone who wants to buy a new printer digital photography. To make things easier for you, you decide to choose the best available.

So you go to the store and tell the people at the counter who want the best digital photography printer available. And then you get hit by this question: what do you mean?. The printer is very much helpful for all the good work or entertainment.

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What is Laser printer scanner

This site presents the best brands of laser printers, and buyer's guide of the best models indicating the lowest prices available on the web.

It is no longer cost effective to buy ink jet printers, have also seen significant price reductions had the laser, even those in color are now very affordable and offers considerable savings on the cost of toner.
Find multifunction printers will find many models available cost-effective and can havea real office machine, fast, accurate and reliable.

Have reported the products with the best value for money, often with normal printing needs are the best choice, also saw the lowering of the average price of laser printers,for this is almost always advisable to buy inkjet printers' ink, saving a few tens of euros.

For those with an active wireless network, a router, the choice is extended with the newwireless laser printer models, which allow great flexibility in use and multifunction laserprinters, which also have the scanner in a single product incorportato saving .

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avast! Free Antivirus Malware Detection

avast! Free Antivirus won its twelfth straight VB100 award for malware detection for AVAST Software in the latest Virus Bulletin test. avast! Free Antivirus combined high scanning speed with very good detection skills that exceeded the best that many paid-for consumer and high-end business products could offer.

“We saw some stomping good scores, highly impressive in all sets. The WildList and clean sets were handled without a glitch, earning AVAST another VB100 award for its free product,” wrote John Hawes in his review in the Virus Bulletin. “The company boasts an impeccable 12 out of 12 record in the last two years of our comparatives.”

avast! caught all 100% of the In-the-wild viruses and scored a 98.94% on total detection. avast! also had a high score in proactive detection which tests the ability of an antivirus program to identify unknown viruses without a specific malware signature. Proactive detection shows the ability of avast! Free Antivirus to offer multilayer protection and technologies that go far beyond the simple signature detection of traditional programs.


Complimenting avast!’s high detection skills were its fast scanning speeds. Only one program out of the 69 tested, McAfee VirusScan Enterprise + AntiSpyware Enterprise 8.8, had a faster throughput speed than avast!. However avast! handily beat McAfee’s product in both detection and resource usage.

Test results showed that avast! provided quite fast scans without slowing the computer down. avast! had a miniscule 1% increase in RAM usage increase during scanning – the top score among all tested products.

Although a free consumer product, avast! still provided better detection than several antivirus products targeting the business market. avast! detection topped the results posted by McAfee VirusScan Enterprise and Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.

Virus Bulletin ran its test on computers running Windows XP SP3. Over 40% of all global computers use this operating system according to the publication.

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Why computers need that Cache?

What if it asks for a book reader that does not exist in the cache (bag)? In this case, the librarian of the cache is less efficient than without the cache, because the librarian takes the time to find a book in his bag. One of the challenges of cache design is to minimize the impact of cache searches, and modern hardware has reduced the time delay to zero.

Even with our librarian example, the latency time (waiting time) is very small compared to the cache search time to go into storage. Cache is small (10 books) and the time required to find only a fraction of the time traveling to the trip.

"Layers" Cache modern PCs have a lot of cache layer. This does not include cache found in some peripherals, such as hard disk for example. Growing up and getting closer to the processor faster than the layer beneath it (see table). Each layer also caches layer below it, because the higher speed. Given the slow processor compared to some of these devices is to avoid accessing the slow use of cache is very important. Cache Level 1 and Level 2 In the microprocessor to access main memory (RAM), it does so in about 60 nanoseconds (billionths of a second seperenampuluh). This time is very fast.

Microprocessors can have 2 nanosecond cycle time, microprocessor 60 nanoseconds seems so very long. What if we make a special memory bank, a small but very fast (about 30 nanoseconds)? This is two times faster than main memory access. This is called a level 2 cache or L2 cache. What if the system memory to make a smaller but faster directly into the micro processor chip? Thus, this memory is not accessible to the processor speed memory bus speed. This is the L1 cache, which on a Pentium 233-megahertz (MHz) 3.5 times faster than the L2 cache, and two times faster than main memory access. Computers have many subsystems. You can put the cache in between them to increase performance.

Here is an example. We have a microprocessor (the fastest in the computer). Then there is the L1 cache caches the L2 cache to main memory cache that can be used (and often used) as a cache for slower devices such as hard disks and CD-ROM. Hard disks are also used to cache the slower medium - your Internet connection. Internet Connection cache subsystem is the slowest link in your computer.

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Cache can also be integrated directly on the device

So the browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, etc.) using a hard disk to store HTML pages, put them into a special folder on your hard disk. The first time you request an HTML page, the browser picks it up and keep a copy on your hard disk. When next you request a page, the browser checks if the file date on the Internet more recent than that stored in the cache. If the same date, rather than downloading from the Internet, using a browser that are stored on your hard disk. In this case, the memory is smaller but faster hard disk and a large but slow is the Internet.

Cache can also be integrated directly on the device. Modern hard disks come equipped with a cache of about 2-8 megabytes. The computer does not directly use this memory - the hard disk controller does.

For a computer, a memory chip is a hard disk itself. When the computer requests data from the hard disk, hard disk controller in a memory check before moving the mechanical hard disk (which is very slow compared to memory).

If he finds the requested data in the cache computer, it will provide data stored in the cache without truly accessing the data on the hard disk itself, saving a lot of time. It's an experiment you can do.

Your computer's floppy drive cache with main memory, and you can see it happening. Access a large file from your floppy - for example, open a 300-kilobyte text file in a text editor. The first time, you will see the floppy light is on, and you will wait. Floppy disks are very slow, so it will take about 20 seconds to open the file.

Now, close the editor and reopen the same file. The second time (do not wait 20 seconds or do a lot of hard disk access between the two) you will not see the lights on, and you will not wait. Check the operating system into its memory cache for the floppy disk and try the search.

So rather than wait 20 seconds, the data found in the memory subsystem is much faster than the first time you try (one access to the floppy disk takes 120 milliseconds, while access to main memory takes about 60 nanoseconds - it's much faster). You can perform the same experiment on a hard disk, but more pronounced in the floppy drive because it is very slow.

Cache technology One question that often arises, "Why not make all the computer's memory runs at the same speed as the L1 cache, so it does not need caching?" It could be, but at would be very expensive. The idea behind caching is to use a small amount of expensive memory to speed up the cheaper memory is large and slow. In making the computer, the goal is to enable the microprocessor running at full speed with the least possible cost.

500-MHz chip has 500 million cycles in one second (one cycle every two nanoseconds). Without the L1

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Micro Processor 64 bit

The 64-bit processor has existed between us since 1992, and in the 21st century they are increasingly popular. Intel and AMD have introduced chip 64 - bit, and Mac G5 is a 64-bit processor.

64-bit processors have 64-bit ALU, 64-bit registers, 64-bit bus, and so on. Which is why we need 64-bit processor is due to their large addressing space.

Microprocessor 32-bit RAM has access to a maximum of 2 GB or 4 GB. It may sound like a lot, let alone most home computers usually only uses RAM 256 MB to 512 MB. However, the limit of 4 GB can be a serious problem for the server machine and database engine that runs great. Even 64-BIT PROCESSOR computer home in a short time limit may be hit with a 2 GB or 4 GB if the trend continues.

Chip 64 - bit does not have this limitation because the 64-bit address space is essentially infinite for the next few years - RAM 2 64 bytes is equal to approximately 18.4 billion GB of RAM! With 64-bit address bus and data bus speed and width on the motherboard, 64-bit machine also offers the speed I / O (input / output) is higher for the hard disk and graphics card. This feature can significantly improve system performance.

Server certainly can benefit from 64-bit chip, but what about normal users? In addition to RAM solution, it is unclear whether 64-bit chip offers a real advantage for "casual users" for now. 64-bit chip can process data quickly.

Those who do video editing and image editing on very large images can benefit from this much computing power. Upper-class games can also benefit, after their re-coded to take advantage of 64-bit features.

But the average user to read e-mail, Web browsing and editing Word documents are not actually using the processor for it. In addition, the operating system like Windows XP has not been upgraded to handle 64-bit CPU.

Due to the lack of benefits that can be felt, probably in 2010 or so we are only able to see 64-bit machine on every desktop.

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There are many things that are very complex to do by the micro processor. In the picture you can see an example block diagram of a system of micro processor minimum.

Address bus: the bus is microprocessor (µP) issued the address of a memory location of the I / O to store or read data. Data bus: the bus is microprocessor can send the contents of registers to memory or I / O, and receive data from memory or I / O.

Control bus: the bus is a signal microprocessor control - memory read / out, I / O read / write, interrupt acknowledge - to activate the device (memory or I / O) so that the output of the device is connected to the data bus. On this bus microprocessor also receives control signals from the device, interrup, reset.

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Digital Evidence, Key opened Cyber Crime??

Cyber crime is a glimpse of the invisible and extremely difficult to trace, but in reality it is difficult also to close-deadpans, which will smell like carrion smell too.

Evidence of the cyber crime committed may be removed from the device and the data network is used. But if you dig deeper, may still be left behind the remains of the crime all the way cyberspace.

For it is better if you know how the process of formation of a digital evidence, digital evidence where it can be formed and stored, and many more tricks collecting digital proofs.

Although only an outline and will not make you become a forensic expert, but this information is useful for reference when a Cyber crime happens to you and your digital devices.
What is the first digital proof cyber crime that you will encounter on the PC?
To explore the digital evidence on a PC, it might be worthwhile to review briefly how the process and the workings of a computer in the service users.

And how a computer device can form a strong enough digital evidence from cyber crime. Every time a computer is enabled, then a process called booting will occur the first time.

There are three stages of the process in the boot process, the CPU reset, Power-On-Self-Test (POST), and the boot disk

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CPU Reset, The BIOS there is a program called Power-On-Self-Test

CPU reset is performed the first PC. This is because the CPU is the most important component.

Then the first CPU reset to start all activities. CPU reset button is usually triggered by power, but can also be done from the network or other system.

Once the CPU is active then the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) will be active as well. BIOS works to serve the movement of data around each computer because this is where the system input and output information is determined. BIOS can be protected using a password to be able to start working.

So without the correct password the computer BIOS will not work. In the BIOS there is a program called Power-On-Self-Test (POST).
Will conduct testing of the basic components of a computer. When the CPU reset to enable BIOS, POST program on the run. Was first examined by POST is the POST program integrity and the CPU reset  itself.

Moreover, the POST program checks the disk drives, monitors, RAM, and a keyboard. At the POST BIOS is active and has not been completed, you can interrupt the boot process and CMOS configuration.

CMOS is a small memory to store the BIOS configuration and its importance as a boot media, setting the processor, memory, and more.

Here also saved time and calendar accurate to a computer. CMOS battery is equipped with a special order in which data is not lost.

Disk boot

while the boot disk is needed after the POST is complete because the computer is ready to run the operating system is very useful to connect people with computers.

Run the operating system required an initial initialization system that will combine all functions into one computer and ready for use. Initial system is then stored in a computer readable media.

This media is called the boot disk. To continue the use of computers, disk boot media must absolutely nothing. Media regulation which would be the boot disk you can do in the BIOS. Once CPU reset or everything is complete, you are ready to use the computer.

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How to Mac Memory Upgrade?

How to Mac Memory Upgrade
Need help finding information about your Mac memory upgrade? Before replacing any kind of Mac laptop memory, you must be sure to know what Mac model you have or what kind of memory is required, you can get your System Profile through the Apple menu. Profile of Maac will tell you the type of memory and memory capacity before being used.

Amenable that Apple mackintosh menus, after which you can choose Concerning this Mac.
STEP 2: Choose "More Details... "
That Concerning this Mac tv screen starts up. Click on greater Details... option.
STAGE several: Hardware introduction
That System Page tv screen starts up, exhibiting that Hardware Introduction. That Hardware Introduction has given to you whatever you simply must utilize the Essential Memory Advisor instrument, for example your own Mac design, CPU type/speed, in addition to total memory capacity.
STAGE 4: Present memory details
In the Belongings segment to the kept side in the tv screen, click on Memory. That Memory Position details shows up, exhibiting your current memory configuration. This level of detail helps you decide which pai gow poker tend to be stuffed with which form of mac memory upgrade, in addition to what number of pai gow poker tend to be nonetheless designed for deploy fresh Essential memory.
Next Step, Removing or installing Mac memory upgrade
Warning: The internal components of your MacBook Pro can be warm. If you have been using your MacBook Pro, wait ten minutes after shutting down the computer to let the internal components cool before continuing.

Step 1: Remove the bottom case

Shut down your own MacBook Master. Disconnect the power adapter, Ethernet cable connection, USB cables, safety lock, in addition to any cables associated with that MacBook Master to circumvent destroying laptop.

Change more than your own MacBook Master in addition to get rid of that ten (twelve) screws which safe the bottom circumstance. Because of the screws will vary diets, notice that attach diets in addition to locations in order to replace that screws properly. Set these folks out in the safe spot. Move heli-copter flight circumstance in addition to spot the idea into the side.

Touch a metal surface inside the computer to discharge any static electricity from your body.

Step 2: Remove existing memory (if present)

Press that levers to the facets in the memory module within a good facing outward route to relieve that module in the memory position. That memory pops up from a good opinion. Before eliminating the idea, be sure to obtain the half-circle notches. In case you don’t, try pushing that levers facing outward once more.

Hold the memory module by its notches and remove it from the slot.
Remove the other memory module.
Important: Hold the memory modules by their edges, and do not touch the gold connectors.

Step 3: Install mac memory upgrade

Align the notch on the gold edge of the module with the notch in the lower memory slot.
Tilt the card and push the memory into the slot.
Use two fingers with firm, even pressure to push down on the memory module. There should be a click when

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How to collect digital evidence in the operating system?

Operating System
After three initial process to go through, then the computer will be controlled using the operating system. As you know, a lot of operating systems currently available, but in this topic will only explained how digital evidence can occur and be extracted from the Windows operating system.

To explore the digital evidence in the operating system level, three important points that must be understood by the investigators is how the operating system itself, the file system, and applications running on it. The workings of the operating system includes an understanding of the system account on Windows NT and relatives, file access control, registry, system logging, and more.

All have equal importance, but generally the system of logging and the registry is a component that will be frequently seen. Logging system is an important component in the investigation because the log is recorded all the data movement.

In the Windows NT/2000/XP operating systems, logging is stored in the directory "% systemroot% \ system32 \ config \" (c: \ winnt \ system32 \ config \). Log files in it including Appevent.evt file (containing the records of the use of the application), Secevent.evt (record security-related activities, including logging), Sysevent.evt (record all events associated with such systems for example, the shutdown time).

In addition to these files much more log files that are available to be investigated by the investigator. In addition to a registry that is also one important component in a digital investigation. Windows systems use the registry to store the detail system configuration and operating system usage.

So of the keys in the registry, much information can you get such an application at the time of access, what files are accessed using the application, where the file is accessible, and more. To see the contents of the registry is typically used the default Windows is a simple program regedt32. Understanding the file system is useful to know how your data arranged in the disk, what data is modified, any data that is hidden, what data has been deleted, the system hard drive partition, and more. FAT and NTFS is a file system that is often used by Windows.

The process of collecting digital evidence from the file system is usually about the data recovery investigations that have been erased and the data is modified. Recovery deleted files becomes very important in the investigation because it can scrape back the old information is intentionally or unintentionally deleted.

This process usually relies on the recovery program such as Ontrack. Easy-Recovery Pro or DataLifter. Quite a lot of the types of data can be restored using this application. Files and data that have been modified can also be seen by examining the information contained in the file system FAT and NTFS.

When a file is entered into the PC through any media, a marker of the file system the system will be given to the file. Marker system is called datetime stamp. This marker contains the date and time when the file was first entered into the PC.

When a file is

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How to collect digital evidence in the data network?

Current data network is a facility that must inevitably exist in the computer world. Working with computers since the individual no longer have this facility. LAN networks and super networks of Internet, is one of the facilities.

People increasingly rely on e-mail to communicate, E-commerce for shopping, browsing the web site to find information, and more. As the development of data networks, crime began to enter this era.

But not to worry because there are also digital evidence in this virtual world. World of Internet and data network is very extensive, and therefore digital evidence can be gathered from many points. If you want tracked, ranging from physical communication layer to application layer has the potential to store digital evidence.

However, some important points that are often used in the investigation in terms of digital data network is a testament to the e-mail, IP naming and addressing system, and the log files generated on the network and server devices.

E-mail communication system to be very important to track because now email has become a "mandatory items" in communication. So that there are many crimes that use email as an intermediary and the media.

To conduct an investigation of an e-mail, a digital proof is very important is the email header. By using existing information in the email header, investigators can determine the source of the e-mail and it is not possible to obtain the individual who sent the e-mail. E-mail header must be on every e-mail.

You can see it easily if you use a mail client like Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, and more. Staying just set the display manager option, then choose the option that offers you to view e-mail and its headers. This header can be read easily.

Look for sentences that begin with the word Received, you will find a few sentences in data network. Sequence is read from bottom to top. Received a sentence at the bottom shows the originating source of email, while the topmost Received shows the final destination of the e-mail.

Received a sentence of which is the order of the way e-mail. In addition to e-mail headers, IP addressing and naming is also a significant digital evidence. With IP naming and addressing system that is set up well by international institutions that deal with the problem, then it becomes easy tracking of crime.

International agencies such as ARIN (representing the United States regional area), APNIC (for Asia area), RIPE (for the European area), and more, in charge of the IP addressing system from acting as a "seller" to store the IP data network  from Anyone can find a fairly complete information about the holder of an IP address. Thus, the digital evidence to be strong enough IP addresses.

However, investigators should be more careful because of IP spoofing techniques (using a fake IP address) is often used to disrupt this digital evidence.
Log Data Network
Logs of data network devices becomes very important evidence for the devices this communication can occur, including crime. These logs can usually be obtained from various sources, ranging from

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What is meant by regional codes or country codes?

What is a dual layer DVD? Why is there a DVD that cannot be run on a PC but it can run well on DVD Player? All questions about the DVD you will meet with the answer through the article below.


The capabilities of DVD Player technology has replaced many of the other class. Such as CDs, laser discs, video game cassettes, and Videotape (VHS). Only in the distance for less than 8 years (since it was introduced to the wider community in 1997) the presence of the DVD has been growing very rapidly.

The development is also thanks to the support of a very broad range of companies acquired both a DVD of electronics, computers, and entertainment around the world. In Indonesia, where the DVD is very fast moving, only in a period of approximately three years of development of the DVD has been able to shift the presence of CD.

But the DVD is not the same as the CD. Although CD and DVD are very similar, both are very different. Format on the DVD Portable is more varied. Also on the DVD there are also other facilities that can’t be found on the CD. And many other information about the DVD is not all known by the general public.

Though there is some information that is important and very useful to know. All this information can be used either to buy a DVD Player, DVD Disc or just to find solutions for the problems being faced by your home DVD Player. What are the information?

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What is meant by DVD?

First of all, there is little good if we examine what exactly is meant by DVD. DVD comes from the Digital Versatile Disc. As the name implies DVD is a digital storage media whose content is varied.

The shape is very similar to CD. Different can play DVD movies, audio better and with more data and processes faster than CD. DVD are also able to store other data such as photos or data information from the computer.

There are two parts in the DVD format which is very important, namely Physical Formats (Physical Format) and Application Format (Format application). The definition of the physical format is a DVD ROM, DVD-R/RW, DVD + R / RW, and DVD-RAM. This format has advantages and disadvantages of each.

While the definition of the application format, called DVD video DVD-too-then there is the so-called DVD Audio, DVD Stream Recording, and there is also the so-called Super Audio CD (SACD). There are also special application formats used for games such as the Sony Play-Station 2 or Microsoft Xbox.

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The DVD Formats Available

Earlier it has been said that the DVD there is the so-called physical format there is also called the application DVD format . Physical format there are several variations of the DVD ROM, DVD-R/RW, DVD + R / RW and DVD RAM. What is the difference between the four?

• DVD-ROM, this is the most common DVD format today. DVD-ROM itself there are 4 types: DVD-5, DVD-9, DVD-10 and DVD-18. DVD-5 and DVD-9 is a single sided DVD. If a DVD-5 is single sided, single-layer. DVD-9 Single sided, dual-layer. Each has the ability to store as much data as 4.37 GB and 7.95 GB. While the DVD-10 DVD-18 and a double-sided DVD. If the DVD-10 is a double-sided DVD format, single layer, DVD-18 is a DVD double sided, dual-layer. DVD-10 is capable of storing as much as 8.74 GB of data, as well as DVD-18 is capable of storing data as much as 15.9 GB. This DVD Format  can’t be written, as the name suggests DVDROM (Read Only Memory) can only be read.

• DVD-R (Readable) DVD-R is a format developed by Pioneer. At the DVDR itself there are two formats available. DVD-R Authority (A) and DVD-R General (G). DVD-R (A) is more widely used to create a master DVD to DVD copying process on a dedicated machine and want to use a region code. Whereas, DVD-R (G) to create a master in the duplication process is simpler and fewer in number and do not require a code region. For single-sided DVD-R can store as much as 4.7 GB of data, and for double-sided DVD-R data can be stored up to 9, 4GB. Both can only be written once.

• DVD-RW (Readable, writeable) If the DVD-R can be written only once, the DVD-RW can be written to 1000. To have the same capacity with DVD-R is 4.7 GB for single-sided. DVD-RW has a price more expensive than DVD-R. DVD + R A prominent difference is the tan plus owned this DVD. DVD + R was developed by Philips, Dell, Sony, HP, and Microsoft. If the minus version only supports writing to single layer only, then the DVD +, DVD to be written in two layers. Price DVD + more expensive than the DVD-. Because the ability of writing a two-layer, DVD + owned capacity can be more than the DVD-.

• DVD + RW Similar to DVD + R which is also developed by Philips, Dell, Sony, HP, and Microsoft. If the DVD + R can be written only once, otherwise the DVD + RW can be written over and over again. DVD Format prices more expensive than DVD + R.

• DVD-RAM (Random Access Memory) DVD RAM can also be written over and over again. It's just different from other DVD able read on regular DVD ROM drive. To read DVD RAM required a special driver. Capacity that can be stored by a single-sided DVDRAM is 2.6 GB or 4.7 GB. However,  for double-sided is 5.2 GB or 9.4 GB.

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The DVD Anything that can be done?

- DVD able to play digital video with a very high quality for a full 2 hours. Even for a single-chip dual-layer, double-sided able to play digital video with the same quality for a full 8 hours. All this is equivalent to 30jam VHS-quality video in.

- DVD also supports the use of widescreen movies (which ratio 4:3 and 16:9).

- DVD capable of storing all of his films in 9 different camera angle.

- Capable of storing 32 DVD karaoke song titles.

- DVD capable to storage 8 Digital audio tracks for different languages??, each of play has eight channels.

- DVD is able to provide on-screen menu and interactive features such as behind the scenes, games, interviews and much more.

- DVD to load the DVD with a variety of languages??, ranging from the conversation, subtitle, the name of the song, and so forth.

- Rewind and forward the more instant. Or even choose through the chapter and time (time code).

- DVD more durable than a CD, because the data in the DVD is not as easy as corrupted data in the CD. In addition the DVD also more resistant to heat. Used on the DVD player will also have some additional features not possessed by ordinary CD player. But the functioning of these features depends also by the DVD being played. Among others, the player features are: Language selection for subtitle, choose audio track and the scene in the film.

- Special effects such as Freeze (silent), Slow (slowly), Fast (fasts), and so forth.

- Parental lock for a few films that contain images that should not be consumer by children.

- Select the output sound, PCM Stereo or Dolby Digital. Digital Zoom (2x or 4x) This is one feature that is independent of the DVD is being played. What is DVD?

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The Laptop Dock is Great for Notebook and Tablet

The good: The Motorola Atrix 4G incorporates a dual-core processor and a high QHD (quarter HD) display. The Android 2.2 smartphone has a sleek design and a 5 megapixel camera, a front-facing camera for video calls, and an HDMI port.

The bad: No 1080p HD video recording or playback at launch. You can not install non-market third-party applications. We did not experience great HSPA + data speeds 4G.

The bottom line: The laptop dock is decidedly cool (and expensive) function, but the dual-core Motorola Atrix 4G has a lot to offer on its own. The intelligent cruise packages and high-end features in a sleek and earns its place on top of the range AT & T Android.

Photo gallery: Motorola Atrix 4G (AT & T)
Photo Gallery:
Motorola Atrix 4G (AT & T)

Editor's note: In addition to the review below, we also have an in depth look at the laptop accessory of Atrix.
The review has also been updated with a clarification on third-party applications and more information about slow download speeds.

To that end AT & T Android missing would be an understatement, but fortunately, it seems that the company finally got the memo. The carrier has introduced three new Android phones at CES 2011, but one that impressed us most was the Motorola Atrix 4G. The smartphone Android 2.2 features a dual-core processor (Nvidia Tegra 2 chipset), support 4G, a 4-quarter inch HD screen, and a front camera that allows video calls over a cellular or Wi -Fi. But wait, there's a dock designed plus.Motorola laptop and software to work with the Atrix which will allow you to still access the contents of your smartphone, but you provide an experience more like PCs. That's why we awarded the 4G Atrix our best price CES in cell phones and smartphones category, which is why we were delighted when we finally received the devices vérifier.MONTRE TELEPHONE

In this review we will focus on the Motorola Atrix 4G as a smartphone. (We made some general comments on the mobile platform here, but laptops Netbooks CNET and publisher, Scott Stein, delivered a little closer to the attachment to see if it is worth its high price.) We can say that the Atrix excels as a smartphone. The dual-core processor offering, and the Atrix finally brings some of the high-end features that customers of AT & T have been missing out on, like video calling. While the laptop dock is a selling point for the Atrix, but if you decide to take the dock or not, you still get one of the best AT & T Android smartphones to date.

The Motorola Atrix 4G is scheduled for March 6 or earlier. The price for the phone is only $ 199.99 with a two-year contract. AT & T will also offer a bundle that includes phone and a laptop dock for $ 499.99 with a two-year contract and tethering add-on and after mail-in rebate of $ 100. If you prefer not to register for the partition plan of the connection, you can

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Champtek Libra L-7050 Flexible Omni-Directional Laser Scanner

Chamtek Libra L-7050 received optimistic criticism from its outstanding features like protection IP rating, one meter shock resistance, its strong endurance design and automatic sleep and wake-up function which saves power and extends a product’s life.

The wall mount feature also provides friendly installation for any suitable placement and is specially devised for retail space and from its contemporary design. This powerful scanner has 6 directional scan fields, with dense 24 scan lines pattern, equipped with superior 2000 scans/second and support combo interface for easily only a cable change.

For added flexibility, the scanning head can be tilted forward and backward within a 102° range to accommodate objects of various sizes and shapes. Libra’s elegant outlook provided outstanding quality in design and conventional retail requirements.
Features LIBRA L-7050 Flexible Omni-Directional Laser Scanner:

The competitive cost and higher performance on the market.
Durable characteristic with IP42 rating and 1m drop resistance.(with cable)
Read 1D standard bar codes include GS1 Databar family symbols to future proof your investment.
Automatic sleep and wake-up mode which saves power and improves life time.
Support multiple interfaces to allow with only a cable change.
Support wall-mount hanging for easy installation.
Adjustable scan head can be tilted forward and backward within 102° range for best accommodation.
STAR code reconstruction technique allows easy reading of truncated, damaged and substandard bar codes.
Scanner Tuner software allows for easy programming and set up of scanners.

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21 Best Choice Add on Google Chrome

Internet browser Google is the answer for these internet users who want a fast and lightweight browser. Applications developed chrome takes 6 years, belonging to the company 'GEF (Google's Chief Executive) Eric Schmidt. Chrome applications and may be used independently and freely used by anyone.

You can download directly in released 3 September 2008 in a short time was able to suck up the attention of millions of the internet. Until now google chrome has reached the Beta version of Google Chrome 20.0.1132.17 and keep updated with the development of information technology. Not only that Google chrome can also be a "deadly weapon" for thousands of users are ready to use plugins or more in the know with the add on google chrome google chrome or extention.

Later we will mention some of the flagship plugin that you can use as reference only rest you can find on google chrome add your own favorite suit in Many kinds and types including plugins for business, education, entertainment, gaming, lifestyle, news and weather, productivity, social and communication, utilities, extensions, themes, and so forth.

What are the add on google chrome which I refer

Block the ads that appear in a popup and banner ads, unwanted. The ads appearing website Facebook, Youtube, Hulu, and other websites will be automatically blocked and fast clean. Browsing will be smooth and could save your internet access.

Google Translate

Google translator of this extension allows users to articles from various languages ​​without the slightest difficulty. Internet users can read articles that they enjoy from a variety of languages ​​in the world. When a foreign language appears in the web browser google translate instantly detect it and offer it to you if you want the translate or not.

Google mail checker

Email from Gmail users now do not necessarily have to go back and forth to open a browser to access Gmail service. For now there is Google Mail Checker will be opened automatically when there are new unread email.

Webpage screenshots,To get a full page screenshot of google chrome web browser based


Images Search of Cooliris makes it easy search on google images and chrome in the form of three-dimensional appearance. Besides setting view, process and store images more easily.


Security while you surf the internet, shopping and searching in search engines. Add on this extension will give you a sign if a website is safe or not. WOT can also plug it in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, and Opera.


It will automatically block the flash on the website, this will generally Flashblock add memory and cpu performance, it could be as an alternative choice but to AdBlock. Awesome screenshot: Capture and AnnotateTo capture the image directly from the browser to capture a wide range of model choices, circle, rectangle, blur, and so forth.

Save as PDF

You can save a web page not only in the form of web pages but adan can save as a pdf directly from the browser. Quickly without any special software to convert files into PDF format. URL Shortener


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Playing the game the farmer, a farmer adventure online

Eliminating the time by playing games was exciting. Especially when families get together with each other "competing" in playing this game the farmer. Players are required to manage agricultural land becomes barren and empty land that produces wealth. You can arrange to plant vegetables and fruits and selling chicken eggs from cage to market.

The farmer-based online game, made using Adobe Flash interactive applications once. If you want to play the game the farmer, at least your internet connection is slow as hell. How to play it was pretty easy, just rely on the mouse to control your online farm.


Game Application of flash game Farm Town was first introduced in 2009 in the largest Facebook social networking, online gaming users has steadily increased up to 11 servers are built to facilitate traffic of Agriculture-themed game. Finally, some online game development game Farm Town trail is created The Farm is a lighter application when it is played.

To playing also no less exciting and challenging, players are required to grow vegetables and fruits as efficiently as possible to earn large profits. You will never get bored playing it. You will be challenged to play The Farmer is, to build your online farm grew and developed using the latest technology.

Interest in the game Peasant farmer with diverse themes ranging from children, teens, to parents who play it when the time empty. The point of this game interesting and educational for those who play it. The look and design animation is very good and interesting, very cool colors displayed in the eyes reflect the actual views of the garden. Game difficulty level of the farmer is almost no difficulty. Since all control is available in this game only uses the computer mouse.

The Farmer farm-themed online game was developed by the manufacturer of the application of small games of interest. CowPoration still presents exciting entertainment all ages in the competitive online gaming an extraordinary development.

From the first time this kind of arcade game introduced many avid game for practicing a kind of leadership required to hone the brain how to arrange the best strategy. In addition to The Farmer have a similar game that is no less interesting and more challenging that you can play in website game The Farmer

Youda Farmer 2 Save the Village, An offline game you can play freely without being tied to the speed of internet connection. Adventure play Youda Farmer 2 is incredibly attractive. A fundamental principle of both these games are equally cultivate barren land into a land of royal wealth building prospects. After you have abundant wealth you can build and buy more sophisticated equipment and modern. In order for the process of planting more quickly and efficiently.

There are some games that you can make alternative choices other than the farmer of this game. What are those games that you can try one by one. A have each game unique. Here's a list of games with a theme Agriculture Farmville, Farm Frenzy, Games Farming, Farmer Goodgame, Goodgame Farm Fever,

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4 simple ways to accelerate the blog

Make your blog a highly desirable management is a fast loading blog, but how the reader can stand for long in your blog even though the article is nice but the appearance of a very long time.

Greatly in pity at all, if this is on leave without your continuous optimization of your blog template because it is slow, not only readers but also search engines will visit your blog lazy. Well, how come?

Because the robot crawler track every link post at any time, because the slow trigger fuzzy search unfinished first

Dear blog reader and would like the search engine both, BAD? Follow the steps

1. Always up to date

This means that every new development that you should follow, because any time-based software developer always fix error wordpress bug. But you need to consider also whether the latest release is suitable for applications now. That you need to consider as well, although sometimes there is not the latest match. The term "CRASH"

2. Disable or delete unused plugins

On this issue without knowing it, often make the latest favorite blog. Notice where the unused plugin immediately disable or remove them. Use only the plugins that are really important.

3. Trim your script code

This means that up for you already understand programming languages, but g nothing for those of you who are beginners can do clue me in here.

• Clean up empty spaces

Try to open the script code sheet web / blog, correct in parts of the important files that are opened by a kind of web browser Mozilla, Opera, IE Chrome, Safari or the other.

For example,
code before the fix. Test {font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; font-size: 12px;color: # 000000;}Code after the fix. Test {font-family: Georgia, serif; font-size: 12px; color: # 000000;}
• Create an external script

If forced to use the JavaScript scripts do not install directly on the index page, but make a direct link to another page
For example,<script type="text/javascript" src="example.js"> </ script>
• Use CSS Shorthand

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is known for reliable fast, because CSS is now more popular than the HTML language, I now again to deepen these CSS languages, HTML is now beginning on the left for a complete web application. But remained in use for HTML static web and simple.

For example, the code before the trim.
Test {margin-top: 7px; margin-right: 1px; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-left: 3px;}
After the trim. Test {margin: 3px 5px 7px 1px;}

4. Short  PHP scripts and database queries

This is the most important. Because the script template code in general php code then reads the web browser will be translated into the language of HTML. There is another way to speed up the lightweight web browser works, namely to replace the PHP code can be changed instantly HTML code.

For example, before it changed the PHP code
<title> <? php bloginfo ('name');?> <? php bloginfo ('description');?> </ title><Meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = "<? Php bloginfo ('html_type');?>; Charset = <? Php bloginfo ('charset');?>" /><Meta name = "generator" content = "WordPress <? Php bloginfo ('version');?>" /><Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "<? Php bloginfo ('stylesheet_url');?>" Type =

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5 Wordpress Plugin Increasing Your Blog Traffic

After you use a wordpress  plugin list below to your blog entry is likely in the top ten in the search engine becomes a reality. What could? certainly can, because these tips on writing for you a beginner or an advanced yet to install this plugin.

You can make your wordpress  plugin increasing automatic drain of the advantages of search engine traffic, social networking and social bookmarking. Ok, what's 5 plugin?

1. Tweet This:

Tweet This is a plugin which is great for increasing traffic, where visitors can give the link 'like' to be able to share in their twitter posts. It's really tremendous benefits to members free traffic to your blog.

2. All in One SEO Pack

Plugin required to have a blogger based on wordpress, using this plugin posting your article is guaranteed to increase from before you can use. You may provide information tittle tag, keyword, description, and the other in every page of your blog posts and more. Prove it! In the search engine Google before and after using this plugin.

3. SEO Title Tag

Plugin is quite similar to the above, but is more specific in the 'seo title tag' only. Very much easier for search engines to find your articles.

4. Google XML Sitemaps

Longer pursue the SEO (search engine optimization) use. Google XML Sitemaps for more focus on seo, because the link-link post / page in your blog will be tracked very easily by a quick Google search engine. 5. Simple Tags as the name suggests a simple plugin to help raise your blog post with a fix tag / blog page on Google

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5 Tips On Optimizing Your Google Adsense Revenue

Who is not familiar with Adsense, one of Google's most spectacular program. Adsense programs already make many people wealthy even more Google as the owner.  Assets and turnover Pertamina and Garuda was lost to him.

Who do not know what it is Adsense, which is an advertising program of Google with the unique ads are paid for every click. the rest may depend on the number of many clicks and market interest.

As an advertiser (advertisers) who clearly have a product without the hassle and money of course have to use Adwords campaign will be more effective, while the Publisher will be competing to advertise spread like mushrooms to earn revenue with Google. the more creative an adsense publisher so expensive energy will be paid by him.

Well, this time I'll write a bit about how to increase Google Adsense revenue. Immediately, I discuss one by one what are these 5 tips.

Actually, this knowledge is often discussed .... but ESSENTIAL for the reply  in his head ....... so a newbie like me do not have to frequently asked .. said ... n asked .. but the action ... n action action

1. Find the right position Google has been taught any good places for ads that will show, the older the color the more good.

2. Use instead of TEXT Ads Images Ads

I think text ads greater opportunities for high earning ads rather than images, especially if you panda setting the exact same font with your website link.

3. BLOCK only ads that are of low value

manage it nah no ads filter ads ... track the stingy pay and block ads. You can look it up on google search engine "How to view a low-value ads". Use is expected to direct visitors click the ads that are expensive. :)

4. Images best quality

This is probably often overlooked because we are more focused it this article if you can upload images and is in good seo tag alt = "" for more top on page user is expected to come from searching images.

5. Do not forget to create a Channel for Advertising

Most importantly for full control advertising by using channel so you'll know which ads are the prospects and the prospects for profit are not you. Share this just set Sciences Today.

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CricketPro 6000 Great Board The Avid Player

I love this dart board i haven't had any problems with it and have had it about a year. The only thing i don't like is the heckler mode it is very loud but thankfully easy to turn off. It can be a little confusing when playing with two or more people because it only shows two players at a time.

Overall i really like it and have not had any problems with the board not registering darts or other things that others have complained about.  Order today to avoid disappoinment! Arachnid Interactive 6000 Soft-Tip Dart Game

The Arachnid Interactive cricketpro 6000 electronic dart board will keep you on your toes thanks to the unique (and often hilarious) Heckler electronic comment feature. It dishes out praise for precision dart throwing ("You da man!") and comical sarcasm for sloppy effort ("Open your eyes!"). This board features 27 games with 123 options, including five cricket games, and it can accommodate up to eight players. The 15.5 inch target area is regulation size, and the LED display of player game and cricket scores is easy to read. Other features include solo play feature, sleep mode, Play On and ranking features, and player handicapping. Specifications:

Target area: 15.5 inches (regulation sized)
Number of players: Up to 8
Number of games: 27

First impression upon opening was good looking and appears to be a quality product. When I first put it up I had some darts not registering and got real worried real quick. I read some of the reviews that others had problems with the electronics and pictured having to send this back... B.S I don't have time for - why I like online shopping and delivered to my door! I took it back down and replaced the batteries with some quality Energizers and have had no problems since. Hopefully, it will last. The heckler is really fun for the family and a bonus you can always turn off if it gets old.

The included darts are just junk! Really for this price can't give you something a little better. I'm not expecting top of the line but not junk at this price. Overall - I would recommend!

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The Best Freeware Antivirus is most Powerful

The freeware antivirus are becoming increasingly popular, in fact, represent a very attractive alternative to commercial programs since it provides a level of protection similar.

On the web we find different types of freeware antivirus and then it becomes important to understand what are the best to use on your computer, the features should be considered are numerous and include the speed with which they do the scan and the ability to detect even the latest viruses.

In this guide we point out those that are free virus in Italian of the most interesting moment.

Avira Antivir

This is a very interesting free virus in Italian, offers a high level of protection and is light and fast.
Avira Antivir is therefore an attractive solution for anyone with a computer is not too powerful.

Avast Antivirus

Provides a good level of protection even if, with respect to the program discussed above, is more heavy.
On less powerful computers to scan so it may take quite a long time and cause delays during use.

AVG Antivirus

AVG offers a very interesting solution. The virus is characterized by a very simple to use and offers complete protection of your computer.
The time required for scanning are good, and then it is a virus surely valid.

Microsoft Essentials

Microsoft offers a free virus a few years ago, in this short period, however, has won a place imporante.
Microsoft Essentials offers good performance and it can detect even the latest viruses.

Antivirus programs available online are numerous, but those we have reported represent the best solutions available at this time.

The advice is to install a freeware antivirus on the computer since they offer excellent protection without costs.

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DVD Logo Icon Best Collection

DVD Logo Icon you can plug in computers, laptops and your tablet. beautiful collection of icons which you can download directly. DVD icon is designed icon and may have copyright laws.

This is a logo of an organization, item, or event, and is protected by copyright. It is believed that the use of low-resolution images on the English-language Wikipedia, hosted on servers in the United States by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, of logos for certain uses involving identification and critical commentary may qualify as fair use under United States copyright law. Any other uses of this image, on Wikipedia or elsewhere, may be copyright infringement. Certain commercial use of this image may also be trademark infringement. See Wikipedia:Non-free content and Wikipedia:Logos. (wikipedia)

download click here >> DVD Logo icon >>


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Images Search on Google

If you want to search for images search on Google, but you can use the previous tips in determining the keywords you can also use the following tips. In the results shown by Google Image, on the right-top of search results there is a link that says Large, Medium and Small.

By choosing one of them, then the results will change, pictures size displayed will correspond to the size you select in the upper-right corner. All tips are very useful for giving you the variations in the search for information by Google. Hopefully you get not only the results that came out very quickly, but also the right target.

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Frefox Modify search engine option via the web address

At the time of Google search results on the computer screen, note survived the address indicated on your browser toolbar.

For example, when you search for information about DVD Player. In the address box will appear as the following article: = en & q = + DVD Player. hl is the language support is used, en is English. While q is sought and DVD Player + is the word prompts.

All this you can change the way you want without having to return to the previous page. Or without opening the page advance. By default if you do not see the num word on your screen that means there are 10 search results. Meanwhile, if you add a cup of something like this: http:// = en & q = + DVD player then there will be 100 results to be displayed.

To modify the address, you should first know each other. Therefore it would not hurt if you are looking for with the help of any advance or preference menu, you can memorize the syntax used in the address. So that the search can then be much easier. Here are some lists that you can know the syntax:

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Tablet PC for us is always important and more popular. But you know how to protect your tablet? If you negligently failed to secure a good tablet, let it be a waste, that's gone bad. Especially when the firmware update before upgrading the place, make sure that the tablet battery is fully charged, to prevent damage, which can result in the middle of update can’t be completed due to lack of electricity, the impact on the local disk before the upgrade disk format for backup personal data, the upgrade, the update is complete , the original data is lost can’t be recovered.

Changes reflect changes in consumer behavior, said Shen, display technologies emerging at a meeting Tuesday in Santa Clara, California, the movie screen size of 5 inches to 10 inches, while laptops from 10 inches to 17 inches. The film is mainly concentrated in a performance that is easy to use, fully integrated your notebook. This film has a strong sales in mature markets like the United States, and sales of notebook computers on the market. This is because the laptop computer is often just a computing device in the family, should be used in high-performance low-duty android 3.0 tablet and other applications.  Read more details notebook computers used

Laptops affordable for people who have never been able to buy brand new. A very good laptop and inexpensive. It is everything that is said. Some people give a review on this particular laptop and nitpicked many things. Stuff the average person may not realize it (even the high-pitched sound with headphones that people complain, even back when it was brand new, I do not see).

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Google Search Explanation of something

If you want to find explanations or terminology about something, then write the query (search terms) you complete. Suppose you want to know about what is meant by XML.

Do not just type the XML only. Because if you do this, then the results would appear too much and not all of the contents of the explanation of XML.

Try to write like this: "What is XML?." So the results obtained will be more focused.

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Search Archive File

For those of you who are doing research, then look for the news media in a particular database can be very important. Therefore it would not hurt if you follow these tips.

For example, you want to find news related to the 1999 elections on one of the online media on the Internet. Then just type: "Election 1999" site: Then Google will return results related to the 1999 election is in the archive

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Syntax Search Engine

To search for something in Google you can use the syntax search google. The use of the syntax of each other can be combined. But not all of the syntax search engine can be combined. There own rules for combining the syntax. Here is a variety of syntax that you can use when searching with Google:

'Intitle:' to limit the search only on the title / name of the web alone. Example: intitle: "pcmedia magazine."
"Allintitle:" to limit the search only on the title / name of the web just a variation of more than one search expression. Example: allintitle: "pcmedia magazine" Google.
'Inurl:' to limit the search to a single web address. Example: inurl: pcmedia.
'Allinurl:' to limit the search to a single web address with a variation of more than one search expression. Example: allinurl: pcmedia magazine.
"Intext:" to limit the search only on the inside of the document only. Example: intext: Google.
'Allintext:' restricts the search only on the inside of the documents only with variations of more than one search expression. Example: allintext: use Google.
'Site:' to limit the search to one domain only. Example: pcmedia site:. Com
'Link' to limit the search only on web pages that have links to search for. Example: link: www.
'Cache:' to get a web page that Google has indexed, although the web page has changed. This syntax search engine allows you to access the Google cache. Example: cache: "pcmedia 07-04."
"Filetype:" to restrict the file types to be searched. Example: DVD filetype: PDF.
'Related:' to search for related data. Example: DVD related:
'Phonebook' for information provided in the phone book or address. Example: phonebook: "fadilla mutiarawati." Above we mentioned that the syntax of each other can be combined with each other. But one thing to keep in mind that there is also a syntax that cannot be combined, including the syntax beginning with 'all.' Here, among others, intitle: with site:, intitle: with inurl:, site: with filetype:, and so on.


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Advanced Search engines

Use the advanced search engine menu if you want to find something that is very detailed. On the advanced page of this menu you can specify:

The top section is the arrangement of words to be searched. ranging from the use of expression and, then quotation marks, and the last one minus OR.
Google Search button next to the choice of how many there are of each page of search results will be displayed.
Then the next step is to choose which language support is used.
After that choose a searchable format.
Then choose the date of the document update. In the last three sections can be selected more than one option by pressing CRTL.
On the Occurrence You can choose where the location of the word you want to be found, at the web address, this part of the document, and so on.


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Wording Search Result

Preparation of the word in the search for information is also very important. Each arrangement has a different outcome. Therefore there is no harm in finding you try to use wording that is more diverse.

If you are looking for using the word over and over, then the results you will get the same thing as the word is written not only repeated. Like others, if in writing using the additional expression. What is meant by an additional expression is:

space is defined as 'and' by Google. Example: If you want to search for documents containing the word DVD and the player then you can simply write 'DVD Player'.

OR is defined as 'or' by Google. Example: If you want to find documents that contain one word DVD or CD then write "DVD OR CD '.

Minus (-) is defined as 'not' by Google. Example: If you want to search for words that contain the DVD but not write it contained the word Disc-Disc DVD.

If you want to use more complex expressions you can use parentheses. For example, to search for words DVD and CD or DVD and Disc, but not all three, then write 'DVD (CD OR DISC)'.

One more expression you need to know, that in Google asterisk (*) will mean a single word, not characters. For example, if you write 'in the *' then Google will interpret it 'in the house,' 'in the office,' and so on.
If there is a search for a whole sentence, then use quotation marks. For example if you want to search for documents containing a full name, then write in a way "motor racer."

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Search Results llc Remove

Results displayed by Google has a definite structure, understanding of the parts will allow you to ensure the required results. And allow you to access further information.

For example, also want to find pictures related to the search in question, then just choose Image link at the top. While related sponsor will appear on the right. For more details see only the image.

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Further Language Settings

Further language support arrangements can be made on the options available under Tools Language Preference option. In the Language Tools page, there are several settings on the language support is used and from which countries are the search results.

If you want to look for the search of Indonesia alone, then in the box that says look for any country Indonesia. In Language Tools translator also there that you can use to translate the words from one language into another language support. Usually the language that you want to translate the language of the United Kingdom to another language or from another language into English language support. But do not rely on this facility, because sometimes less accurate.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Number of Result in Google Search

How many results to be displayed in every page This can be determined by completing the information required on the part of Number of Result. However, it should be reminded that the standard that is owned by google themselves are 10 results in one page. More and more results will be displayed, will take a little longer.

Result Window This is an option for those who want to open up each page of search results with a separate page. This is a very good option if it is not the result you are looking for, then you do not have to bother turning to the results page. Simply just close the page. And you can also access more than one search pages more quickly too.

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Search engine result statistic more fast

All the people in the world who like to surf the internet know that Google is a search engine fast boiling. Google owned technology infrastructure capable of providing exceptional service. However, this speed does not always produce the right results. Therefore, knowing exactly how to utilize Google to the maximum will provide a more precise result.

Set the Preference
The first step to do is set the Preference. If the cookies on your computer is enabled, then the preference settings do not need to do it repeatedly. Just one time only at the first time using the search engine Google. Own preference page accessible via the pages com next to the search button.

Interface Language (language interface) Do not confuse language with the language interface in the search results. The language interface language used in the interaction with your google. While the language in search results is the language used by the document you are looking for. Both languages are not mutually exclusive. To set the interface language support is done in page to set the language preference while the search engine result statistic page can be done through preference and Language Tools page. Language interface provided by the google very complete. Not only Indonesian is available, there are also Java language here. The choice of language is contained in the Language Interface. While the language of the search results can be determined on the Search language. There are two options which are used throughout the language or the language anywhere in one by one. The way is give it a sign of v in any language you want is selected. Choice of language support for the results of searches performed on the preference page will be your default in subsequent searches.

Search Filtering This is a system of filtering search results will automatically be done by google. By enabling filtering is the result of which has a value of sex is not explicitly shown. Filtering own choice of two kinds. The first is the Strict Filtering, which means google will filter out all results that contain explicit sex in both the text and images while the latter use moderate filtering, filtering the image. There is one thing you need to know that google is not a machine owned by the very genius of the machine so that when you activate the filter system may be required you will pass information, not necessarily because the filtered information has sexual content.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Free software against adware and spyware

All malicious programs like viruses, spyware, and malware can actually be a serious problem if left for a long time. Needed to help the computer's performance is a special software that may be able to scan your computer and search for unwanted programs like these and remove malicious programs effectively. Such programs also may be able to block other malicious programs such as unwanted intruders into your computer program.

There are software programs available free or paid some online they offer free scanning and removal of spyware from your PC. You can choose from a variety of legitimate programs as necessary to be able to effectively do the job for you and for free. But most of the time, this free online spyware scanning and removal tools may not be able to give you full protection you need. You may need to purchase an anti spyware and adware removal is possible to provide protection from the most comprehensive spyware needed.

read more of Getting your free adware and spyware program

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Clean Computer Spyware of Nuisance

Have you noticed your computer is working slowly and down the processing speed of your computer without any particular reason? Does your computer often pop up ads that appear are not required to appear that you do not want no compromise. while you are not running the program? These symptoms may continue to happen despite checking your system and run the program recently updated anti-virus to run diagnostics on your computer.

Unless you are running the correct program, you will not be able to detect the real problem on your system: spyware and adware.

Read more article >> 

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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Best my anti malware

Some adware companies seem to feel bias about PC surveillance (spyware) for reason, even though they already disclosed specific data collections and transmissions on account of privacy security from their database link, cannot fully control the chances of any outgoing data, where, and for whom it may be sent.

Spyware technology has complicated the work system. program that has been conditioned to be inserted into the database of spyware without the owner's awareness or consent, however, they come as a "drive-by downloads" or the user goes to click on the options in "pop-up" window, and immediately turn to some other program, good pornography, or anything else without essence.

can read the full article here

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How to Avoid Spyware and Adware Attacks

Spyware, adware, malware are not like virus or worms that self replicate but they are very detrimental to the normal activities of daily use of personal computers. One feature of a computer infected with a program led by the more popular software programs transmitted computer becomes very slow work.

In some infections, spyware can more freely as an act of crime is not limited to steal security is best then to have a ready blocker to at least do something to prevent any infection occurs in the first place.

Read details about the attack to avoid spyware

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Cause of the attacks adware, spyware and viruses

Cause of the attacks adware, spyware and viruses are rampant

Spyware is software that does not intentionally harm your computer. What they do is that they create pathways wherein someone other than the computer owner can communicate with the computer to find out the information to be stolen.

Having successfully infiltrated the computer data Spyware will then send the information gathered to the spyware author. The agent will then use this information for purposes of advertising and marketing. They even sell the information to advertisers and other parties. So that the impact of spyware damage,

read more about the spyware, adware, and virus

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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Tips about DVD

1. Voice out of sync. If the sound on the movie did not go According to the picture, then one way to deal with it is to turn it off for a moment, and then restart the movie. But if in this way the movie still cannot run properly, then you can try other alternatives. For example, try to play on another player. If the player is where the movie can be run as it should, then the player is you WHO has disorders. Immediately you should contact customer service the DVD Player.

But if the DVD will continue to have problems at run time. Then the problem is on the DVD. We recommend That you exchange it for the better. Or change the title of the film. Audio and Video That problem goes out of sync is usually Caused by the four aspects.

The first is Because the encoding process is not working normally in DVD Player (this is usually the TIP can be solved in the way Mentioned Earlier), poor synchronization at the time of the films produced / editable, delay in the receiver decoder and external, and the latter can also be Caused by the looseness in the synchronization That Occurs in the player.

2. Images That are too skinny. If the images in your DVDs look very thin. Usually the problem is Caused by the display settings. If you use a DVD for widescreen (16:9) on the display fullscreen (4:3), then the image will not fit. And therefore need to restore the settings on your DVD to Fullscreen. How, on the DVD Player menu navigate to the Display settings, and then the TV Aspect option select Letter Box or Pan Scan. After That run back to your DVD.

3. Caring for and cleaning Clean DVD as well as cleaning the CD, as well as in caring for the DVD. It's good if you do not touch the surface data (bottom) with dirty or greasy hands. And if there is already a scratch on the surface of the DVD, the DVD should you polish it with a special polishing with a soft fabric (specifically) and the twist.

As for the player It’s self does not need to be too worried, considering the circulation of water in the DVD Player is very good. But if you still want to clean it up, you can use the help of a DVD Cleaner as They are used on the CD Player. It should be reminded That the CD with the DVD has a different laser, so it's good if you do not use a CD cleaner for your DVD Player.

4. One of the movies That you can use to find out whether the quality of images produced by the very good player or not the movie The Matrix. Try to test the player you want to buy a movie, and note the resulting picture quality. Is it good enough or not.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Please attention Some things before buying a DVD Player

Every DVD player has some basic features that most likely you will always get from a DVD Player. Therefore, not including the basic features you need to consider.
Main features are:

Selection of track and subtitles the player.
Multi-angle viewing.
 Aspect ratio control.
4. Parental Control.
5. Fast and Slow playback.
6. Digital multichannel audio.
7. Compatibility with Dolby Pro Logic Receiver.
8. On-Screen menu.
9. Dual-Layer Playback.
10.Dan ability to play CD Audio.

And the following is an optional feature:
The ability to run a DTS audio system. Note the DTS and connections behind the symbol. Keep in mind that not all DVD Player can play a VCD, if you want to watch the feature. Do you want to play a DVD Recordable? If so look at the symbols-R,-RW, R, and RW. Multilanguage feature usually is already provided by the player, but what languages ??are available and you want it, you should check first. Because the availability of language on any player is not always the same. Ability to save pieces of the player should also be checked for each player generally will only keep one player in it. Do you want your player can play DVDs from other countries? If so, do not forget to check it out before buying. Region code what can be played by your player. DVD Player can do Zooming (zoom), but this is not a standard feature for all the DVD Player so you should check it out before buy. Zooming in addition to other features that may be available is the ability to adjust black level adjustment. Or the ability to eliminate the Letter-box bar. And one thing that will benefit is if there is given a bonus offer? As a free DVD rental. This will certainly benefit.

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