Preparation of the word in the search for information is also very important. Each arrangement has a different outcome. Therefore there is no harm in finding you try to use wording that is more diverse.
If you are looking for using the word over and over, then the results you will get the same thing as the word is written not only repeated. Like others, if in writing using the additional expression. What is meant by an additional expression is:
space is defined as 'and' by Google. Example: If you want to search for documents containing the word DVD and the player then you can simply write 'DVD Player'.
OR is defined as 'or' by Google. Example: If you want to find documents that contain one word DVD or CD then write "DVD OR CD '.
Minus (-) is defined as 'not' by Google. Example: If you want to search for words that contain the DVD but not write it contained the word Disc-Disc DVD.
If you want to use more complex expressions you can use parentheses. For example, to search for words DVD and CD or DVD and Disc, but not all three, then write 'DVD (CD OR DISC)'.
One more expression you need to know, that in Google asterisk (*) will mean a single word, not characters. For example, if you write 'in the *' then Google will interpret it 'in the house,' 'in the office,' and so on.
If there is a search for a whole sentence, then use quotation marks. For example if you want to search for documents containing a full name, then write in a way "motor racer."
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
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