Saturday, August 25, 2012

Creative Desktop Wireless 8000

Works on 27MHz and consumes only enough power 3V or 2 AA batteries in each mouse and the keyboard makes the device Desktop Wireless 8000 is more practical. Where AA batteries and is easier to find a price cheaper than AAA batteries.

While resistance to wireless devices are on average takes approximately 2 months for normal daily use. And time period as above the average age of the battery. Quick lunch complete button and 10 button costumize is certainly enough to spoil you quickly access the applications you want. Among the 20 quick lunch button is available, there is a wheel task switch and two buttons for word processing and spreadsheets.

Not to mention a complete Multimedia button to make this keyboard as a remote control when you want to play a movie or just enjoy the music of her facility multimedia center. Manufacturers also provide palm rest to give the holder at hand when working with this keyboard. Plus black and silver color combination with stylish design the overall look of this Desktop Wireless 8000.

In addition the surface easy to clean and not easy to look dirty. Keyboard and mouse are still able to function normally within 1.8 meters of the receiver. over a distance that is not guaranteed although still able to function up to 2.1 m.

Unfortunately, the keys on the keyboard a bit hard with a hefty weight to carry. While the mouse pointer disease commonly found in the form of loss of control wireless mouse pointer, sekalikali still occur in this product.

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